Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Goodbye Bush and Hello Obama

Goodbye to President George W. and Laura Bush. You have served us faithfully and completely for 8 years. We thank you and we appreciate all that you have meant to us and our country. You have lived a life before us in humility and grace. We have learned much from you. We have benefited from your wisdom and experience. We say goodbye with joy in our hearts for your future and much-deserved rest; a break from the pain of critics, praise of fans, busy schedule, and fishbowl life. Enjoy your ranch and your freedom from carrying the weight of the world. Just as you, Laura, gave Michelle, a gift of an engraved pen and a journal to begin to write her memoirs, you now have a new journey of your own to write about. May God Bless Your Future.

Hello to President Barack and Michelle Obama. We celebrate your victory. We celebrate the making of history, not only for African Americans, but truly for all Americans. This is a great and wonderful step for our country. There is much to celebrate. You are America's choice and you will now serve our country as Commander and Chief. We will pray for you faithfully, as we know that this job is bigger than any president can do alone. All who have gone before you have done their very best to lead our country, most of them trusting God to provide strength, wisdom, and courage to fulfill their role. Your shoulders are strong, but we pray that God will be your strength as you carry the weight of our current difficulties. You are wise, but we will pray for God's perfect wisdom to rule your heart as you make the choices that will affect our lives. You are courageous, but we pray that you will find the courage that is beyond human wisdom and comes from Christ himself. You are our president and we will all do our part as believers to focus our attention on our own responsibility to pray for you, President Obama. May God Bless Your Future and Ours.



Blogger Rebecca said...

That was truly beautiful, Stephanie! Thanks for sharing it. Very wise and well written words, and so true.


January 21, 2009 at 1:49 PM  

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